
Skyrim played by 3 year olds?!

Skyrim the most popular RPG game at the moment is a great game. If you've never heard of Skyrim you're either one of the following. 1. You're not a gamer 2. If you are a gamer, you live under a rock, which is quite possibly WoW.

Skyrim has great graphics with blood and gore extremely well-done, and it's so easy to get side tracked. Like once I had to join one of the two main armies, but decided not to and ... (record scratch) sorry, well see what I mean? It's well made. Yet, this doesn't mean that its OK for three years old to play this game! This game isn't rated M for no reason, Blood and Gore everywhere, decapitation cut-scenes, etc. The excuse "we are a family of gamers, and the exposure to some imagery is inevitable," (Carl Douglas) is NOT a valid excuse to let your child hack and slash whatever they want.

Although the little girl does realize that "People don't want to be sword," after the town guards come and kill her character, she still ended up killing a harmless, innocent NPC. NPC's obviously not real people, but growing up with a "gamer family" she will most likely keep playing violent video games. She's going to learn not to "sword people" maybe, but she might easily start to think that violence solves all your problems, which is far from true.

I have nothing against Skyrim, it is an awesome game, but remember to keep the games to your child's level of age. A young girl like that should be playing those games with virtual dogs or something, not hunting Dragons and Elves!

"The Escapist : News : Adorable 3 Year-Old Experiences Harsh Justice in Skyrim." The Escapist. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. <http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/114317-Adorable-3-Year-Old-Experiences-Harsh-Justice-in-Skyrim>.


  1. With all the violence found in video games nowadays I'm not surprised that little 3 year olds are being exposed to these kinds of activities. I've always found the rating placed on video games to be pointless since no one ever respect the age limit. Children of that age shouldn't be witnessing and taking part in playing such games since I really do believe that it will affect them as they grow older in negative ways.

  2. Like Sabah I agree that the rating system is pointless. In my opinion I think it is just a guideline, recommendation because, in the end, it's your parent’s decision on what games their young child can and can not play. In this case, even if the game is rated M, the parents allowed the child to play the game and no one can stop them giving their permission. Although, exposing children to violence at a young can obviously affect them in negative ways when they get older. Violent acts... Bullying... Guns... Robbery...
