

Ok so this is either going to inrage some people or some will completly agree with me. In any case since this neerly made a riot in my French class im going for it. So here it goes.

Music is an integral part of culture and every society, and those songs usually leave an impact on society, wether good or bad. The songs that only say vulgar things leave a MAJOR impact on society. We must also consider that there were always vulgar songs, except that since 2000 it seems like too many artists said: "why have discretion?". Most rappers began writing songs which every third word is a vulgar one, every line they say is an insult of some kind and their only inspiration is the women they slep with the night before! In the playgrounds of elementary schools, there are kids who make "rap battles" but these battles are only insults to each other, but they have to do it with a beat, that's the only rule. Preschoolers have started swearing to other kids and teachers as well. When you ask them where they heard those words, it's no longer from mommy or daddy, but from SONGS the other family members listen to. How is it plausible that the world listens to the songs so vulgar? "If listeners hear it several times and they taste it more, they are attached to them and they will want to listen more." (Turning Into classical music popularity contest, npc, Andsnes) The music industry tends to take any artist with talent and imagination limited. They force us to listen to the media until they are listening to our own will or not listening at all! (Music Industry failing, jimi777).

UPDATE: In this Blog, Rap is an example of the vulgar songs out there "We must also consider that there were always vulgar songs..."(line 9) Songs being any music and type that there is.

"Turning Classical Music Into A Popularity Contest (Really!) : Deceptive Cadence : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2011. <http://www.npr.org/blogs/deceptivecadence/2011/05/20/136462662/classical-music-as-a-popularity-contest-really>.

jimi777. "music industry failing . lack of talent real reason." jimi777 on HubPages. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2011. <http://jimi777.hubpages.com/hub/music-industry-failing-lack-of-talent-real-reason>.


  1. I can tell you're not a fan of rap music haha. I actually do like it but I do see where you're coming from. There is a lot of swearing and violence and sex in the lyrics. I guess it's come to a point where people don't even really process them anymore because we're so used to it. But let's not act like rap is the only evil of the music industry. I'm pretty sure pop, rock, metal, even country have lyrics glorifying drugs and alcohol, violence sometimes and sleeping around with women. People like to act like rap is the only type of music that can be degrading, but show me one genre that doesn't have that.

  2. I kind of agree with this. The thing with rap is that you have to remember that there are also songs that don't really have a negative meaning to them. Sure they swear, but they always make a clean version for them when its put on the radio. Now, I'm not saying that it's not raps fault that more kids are swearing, but one way to help avoid that is that when an older sibling is rapping, they should either skip the vulgar word all together or change the word to a less vulgar word. Good job though.

  3. I agree 100% with Beatrice! I do enjoy some type of rap. But, I also understand the point you are making. Yes, there is a lot of mentioning of sex, drugs, violence & swearing in the lyrics but it is not the only genre that mentions those things... People make it seem like it is only rap but take a closer look at other songs they, probably, mention those things to. Remember, it is probably the same artists that mention those things but not every rapper raps about drugs or violence. Like Batoul said there are clean versions of the songs.

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I got a great chuckle out of that picture. No matter how FALSE it is ;). I am a big fan of rap music, and I don't think everyone else should, they have their own opinions but it seems as though most people who criticize rap only look for the vulgar words when listening. Just because they have vulgar words doesn't make it bad. Rap is poems put into a song pretty much. There is swearing in some poems too, it doesn't make all of poetry bad. The point is rap is usually only seen as artists talking about girls and drugs. But in some of the songs there are some meanings that a lot of people miss. But great blog and great topic, love the picture.

  5. Your blog is interesting, but i'm sorry I disagree with you, rap is not the only music that composes vulgar lyrics, I have listened to many rock,country, pop music were artist will use words or expressions that describe very violent and vulgar acts. Yes, it is true that rap does show a lot of vulgar lyrics, but it'd be nice if you showed both sides of things. Great job thought!

  6. I'm not about too blow up on u for this topic as lately rap songs have been purely crap songs. But if your going too speak of rap in a whole, sure they're many of artist only talking about sex drugs and violence but have you ever listen to Tupac works? He is truly an inspiration, he rapped about world problems, poverty slavery, discrimination. His songs are still being played till this day as he was killed for the reason being that he spoke the truth all I have too say is listen to a Tupac song and you'll probably rethink your position on this argument ;) .
