
Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem is known to be a joke of a game, with the entire aliens taking over and Duke makes jokes about women and other stuff... Duke Nukem Forever is a sequel to the first one, you know 12 years afterwards. You'd think this was made by Blizzard. Much like Hangover 2 was to the first Hangover, Duke Nukem Forever is the same as the first one!

Anyway's, getting back to the topic, this isn't a game review if you want that, here it is. The problem with this game is that this game is SO sexual it's unbelievable! It's obviously rated M, but parents don't care, if you buy it off Steam you can change your date of birth to buy it... The review actually makes a video to show how ridiculous this is, he said: "What I would like of Duke Nukem Forever if I was 12" (Pitts, The Escapist Magazine)

In this game you can slap breasts on a wall, go into a strip club, and guess what the health potion, or Ego medicine, BEER! Yes this game probably fulfills every 12 year old boy's fantasy's, except for getting drunk. Does that make this good? No way. It shows to be a "big hotshot world savior" you have to have the biggest ego in the world and be a complete jerk! The sexuality of this game is over the top, even as a grown man would be repulsed by it. Going to strip clubs, getting private lap dances, and naked women hanging on the roof! If you want to, you can kill them as well, you know just for the fun of it. Oh yeah and we can't forget the grabbing and throwing of human feces, completely unsanitary, but fun for immature people.

The reputation that Duke Nukem Forever is a joke stands up, but this time the joke's on you! (Pitts, The Escapist) Just do yourself a favor, don't buy this horrible game, if it's because it actually sucks, or because of the content.

"The Escapist : Duke Nukem Forever Review." The Escapist. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. <http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/reviews/8949-Duke-Nukem-Forever-Review>.


  1. Oh holy gawd. That is disgusting. I didnt know video games like this existed. People are sick, immature and need to get lives. No video game should be sexual, especially not in this way, with the torture and murder. EWW.

  2. I've never heard of this game and after reading your blog I think it should be banned. I'm really wondering who was the man behind this idea and why they think of adding such offensive content towards women. Everyone should just stick to playing COD.
