
Hockey Headshots

S. Crosby after getting hit to the head.
Hockey is a very media orientated sport, every die-hard hockey fan knows nearly every NHL hockey player. The biggest headlines in the NHL have been the hits to the head. Everyone whom I talk to about that seem to think that the two hits that "Sid the kid" got is what started this entire problem. That completely enrages me because the case did not open with him, but with Chara's hit to Max Pacioretty.  Since I  am a Montreal Canadiens fan, I am subjective to this subject, BUT Max Pacioretty's concussion was before Crosby's. PLUS since Boston was Colin Campbell's favorite team. I have no idea why, maybe just by chance because his son is playing for Boston. Because of this such a horrible hit where it is obvious that the hit was intentional, Chara gets no suspension.

Chara was looking at the post as he was sandwiching Pacioretty between him and the boards. He completely deserves a penalty, and he doesn't get one. That's just a huge message to any young hockey player "Oh yeah you can do that go ahead!". If we continue to just let that stuff go, where will hockey go next? Fights won't be penalized? Good thing Cambell resigned from his post after getting so much pressure from players and fans wanting the hits to the heads to stop. There's been a study that shows that most high league players in contact sports suffer from brain degeneration, whether you had multiple concussions or not. This comes from athletes that donate their bodies to science after their deaths. This degeneration of the brain affects their mood, their personality, etc.

I am a huge hockey fan just like a good part of our country is, but it does get very violent and vulgar at times. Some players have grudges against others and target them like the video above. Hits to the head should be abolished and punished even more severely than we do now.


  1. I'm not big on hockey but I do enjoy watching the highlights here and there and playing the video games! As you stated in the first paragraph there that everyone thinks this started after sid the kid got hit, I completely agree because even I do too. From a outside looking in perspective, I never really heard much about this until Crosby got hit and it's actually horrible to think that it's only because of him that it's now a noticeably bad thing to do. I hope they put some type of rule into play that has more consequences for such a reckless action.

  2. I am a huge hockey fan and I totally agree that it's stupid that once Crosby gets a concussion from head contact they suddenly want to make changes to the rules. I think it's disrespectful to the other players who have gotten concussions. As a hockey player I disagree with you saying that Chara was looking at the post planning to sandwich him in between it, because on the ice you want to get the puck as quick as possible. Chara wouldn't wait until a certain spot to hit someone because that gives the other player more of a chance to gain speed and get past him.

  3. Thats true about the hits but Pacioretty wasn't neer the puck when it happenned. Plus the game of the habs vs bruins, pacioretty was being cocky towards Chara after a goal and taped him on the head. Pacioretty said that he might be a target for Chara for the next game... and guess what THIS happens :P

  4. Even if that may be, I don't think Chara needed to have a serious suspension for head checking because he hit his body and his head hit the post it wasn't like he made contact with Pacioretty. Also I believe there are players who are worse then Chara like for example Patrick Kaleta from the Buffalo Sabres who has multiple suspension for head butting. I think he should be kicked out of the league. Go watch those videos on YouTube, there are around 4 different ones of him head butting someone like hes a ram.

  5. I agree a player like that should be kicked out of the league. This commes back to the argument that the league should be much more severe on these types of hits!. This isint football, and in football, headbutting IS against the rules and a player doing so would get a penalty!
