
The society's take on War and the Army

Let's face it even though we Canadian's pride ourselves in being unique, army wise, were really not. Like any other country, we end up glamorizing war and the army as being full of glory and amazing. In reality it really isn't.

If you haven't realized I'm not really positive for the army, and with good reason. Unlike some men who only think with their arms, I inform myself with the truth. War is not something to boast about, you are killing people, whether innocent or not, it's not right. Country's conquer others and they say it's a police act, like in Corea. The United States tried uniting south with north Corea, unsuccessfully. They tried forcing their beliefs into the Corean's.

Forcing beliefs on other cultures is not the way, you may believe that a world with only one belief would be good, it's not. "We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another." (Jonathan Swift) The more multicultural the world it, the less hatred we would get. Yet, that is why we have wars, its to expand our own power, get land, resources. That's not the way the government says though they say, it's a threat to their way of thinking, global threat, etc.

Truth is if you ask any veteran, they will say it was hell on Earth. To see your best friend get shot and die before he hits the ground, is that what you call glorious? How about the man who died before shooting one round and the family gets a letter saying he died as a hero, did he really? He may be sacrificed himself for his country, but that's it. (Band of Brothers) Usually a hero is the ones who save a lot of people by one or multiple acts.  

Let's face it, war is not glorious no matter which shape or form. Instead, it's a huge bloodbath where men kill each other with no other idea why than that "It's for their country". They die for a cause they most likely don't fully understand, just that their loved ones will know him for a "Hero".

Band of Brothers. Dir. David Frankel. Perf. Scott Grimes, Damian Lewis and Ron Livingston. HBO, 2001. DVD
"We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another. by Jonathan Swift." Famous Quotes at QuoteDB - Interactive Database of Famous Quotations. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2011. <http://www.quotedb.com/quotes/636>.


  1. I completely agree with this. War whouldnt be something that we boast about, but unfortunately, most people do. My mom had two brothers that were like her best friends back when she was in lebanon. I cant imagine the horror and the pain she must have felt when one got killed and the other got kidnapped. I cant even imagine what my gandma must have felt when she found out she lost two sons. That's why, war should never be glamorized, nobody should die like that, even if its for a country. We should only die when our time comes.

  2. Like you I agree that War is something that should not be encouraged. When you really think about it there is no reason for War. Everyone has different values and opinions, for that reason we should not impose our values on to others. Even if their opinions may not be the best we should just come to terms that not everyone thinks like we do. This is the reason for War people believe that their opinion matters a lot more then someone else’s. If we don’t concern ourselves into other people’s lives, maybe our world will be a little saner.

  3. I agree with this 100%. Like you said these are innocent people killing one another for nothing other than "we're doing it for our country". Although I must say if it wasn't for those men fighting in the previous wars we wouldn't have the freedom we do today. Also that quote you added is true on so many levels. Good job !

  4. I really like this post. People don't realize that we're not unique in our forces, which in turn makes their ego even bigger, adding more to the problem. Sure, we may not be directly involved in a war, but we still have troops oversea fighting. War is nothing to be glamorized, it should rather be feared.
